Simple :: Clear :: Effective
Home, Apartment, Business, Property and Land.
Since this is a Distance – Remote Session, it can be done anywhere around the world.
Creating your home or space to feel like sanctuary and to be uplifting.
When your space is energetically clear, it is like a a clean and clear canvas for you to be more productive, creative, feel less stressed, have restful sleep, concentrate more deeply and access higher levels of clarity.
When you purchase a new home, it is highly recommended to do a Space clearing “before” you move in so that there is a “clean canvas” for you and your loved ones to be at ease in harmony with the new space.
Energy work is beyond limitations of space/time and therefore works beautifully and precisely as if she was there in person. She will email you once the session is complete and follow up with any suggestions or insights if she receives them for you.
Dipali facilitates a clearing of the energy in your space whether it is your home, work space (and property/land where possible, if you are a business owner; your business environment) she custom designs the space clearing session to the individual needs of the home, business and situation. She opens up to higher positive energies, cleanses and then does a blessing to help make your space sparkle and flow with vibrant energy.
General Outline:
Part 1: Quick 10 minute Complimentary Mini Consult through ZOOM or Telephone:
In this mini-consult, Dipali received higher Guidance which determines if she is able to offer this service to your unique needs. — If yes, then she may offer: An Overview Quick Reading of the Space/Your Energy in relation to the space, practical homework and recommendations to prepare for the space clearing and suggestions on de-cluttering or changing things to promote greater energetic flow in the space.”
Part II: Actual Space Clearing Session, Blessing of the Space and Property
This session is designed to help stuck Energies, Non-Physical Spirits, thought-forms and and any types of beings to transition out of the space and or off the land if possible. This includes energies and discord from previous owners or tenants. Dipali will give some suggestions for aftercare.
– Beginning with your permission and a clear intention to do the work.
– Dissolving energetic debris, thought-forms, electrical (other waves forms) build up, emotional charges,
traumatic events memory, grief/death, illness, closing of energetic openings and more.
– Sweeping out any unexpected disturbances, Spirits, attachments, negativity and others.
– Aligning your home, space and land to your specifc energy
The Session ends with – Gentle Glimmering Blessing to the Home and Space
Part III: Follow Up by Telephone or ZOOM Audio – Only by your request,
a Quick 10 minute Complimentary check in after a week to see how the energetic flow is in the space.
Work with Dipali:
Depending on the expansive space or size, the fee may need to be adjusted.
Basic Initial Fee (approx. 2hrs): $450.00 USD
Quick Follow Up (30minutes): $150.00 USD
“Tune Up Your Home and Space” Session (approx. 60minutes): $250.00 USD
If you are unsure, Call her office or Send an Email Request to Dipali and she will set up a quick free consultation with you.
Question: Could the Space need an additional 30 minute Follow up Session?
Yes. Since each space, location, land is so unique and therefore there may be layers of energies accumulated plus the embedded history of the space, land or location is a factor. Not every space requires a short additional session as a ‘clean up’ yet it may be very helpful or in some cases required for the entire process and to restore harmony to a living or business space and or land. Dipali will receive guidance and let you know if this is the case.
How often can a Energetic Space Clearing be done?
As often as you feel it would be supportive. Some people’s homes or spaces and land have high traffic both humans and or Spirits and energies that could create a build up and an off-balance. Therefore, it may need a regular “tune up session.”
NOTE– Dipali always checks in with Guidance to see if it is an optimal time and then receives the go ahead or more information to present to you. If a session is not needed, she will let you know that too.