As we move through 2025, we may begin to notice more issues and concerns around the water element or waterways on the Earth. There may be increased droughts, heat, wildfires and Solar flares. This brings up an interesting perspective especially from a higher or Soul-level. It is one that reminds us that the Water Element has a Consciousness. Each of the elements have a consciousness. We are meant to be in a conscious relationship with each element and this is a part of practical Spirituality in daily life. Just link any relationship, we have to cultivate it, honor it and know how purposeful it is in life.
If something is extremely off-balance or in discord, we are going to visibly see it on the Earth through living examples for humans, animals, plants and minerals. All sentient beings will notice the impact. Lack of water or water supply is already evident. What if one day you didn’t have access to the amount of water you use daily? How would you function? What would you do? What would it trigger?
Therefore, Spiritually and from a Soul-level, our daily lives lived in “balance” and harmony in relation to the water element will make a difference. Using the water we have been given with intention and purpose is a powerful way to help the planet and the collective as well as helping your animal companion, plants and even farm lands. Thanking the Consciousness of Water for providing its quality to all of life is another great way to honor the water element.
Our daily holy sanctuary/ home can be the space where we honor the fertile, life giving nutrients of the Water element and as we honor this, we promote a flow to continue. If this connection to Water remains in a state of distortion and escalates, it will bring serious lessons for fresh drinking water, showering and cleansing as well as crops and food supply.
Some major Astrological shifts in 2025 and the years ahead may produce opportunities and bring forth lessons. Transform the anxiety into ways to remain in trust and empower yourself. Each lesson is that of self-mastery on the path of self-realization and expansion of awareness.
Since last year, there are increasing examples in every day life, that as a collective we have to pay attention in our own individual lives to help the whole. We don’t have to do huge things. Little actions to conserve, honor, respect and recognize the value of “balance, harmony and fertility of water” is a wonderful empowering step and action. People are wrapped up in selfish issues instead of the really important matters that impact the whole and the plant itself.
Find ways to inspire yourself and honor the water element in your life. Each time you drink fresh clean water, let it be for uplifting the all. There is purpose to this shift. We must transform limiting perspectives and bring in value for what we have rather than take it for granted that it will always be there as it has been. What if…. It is not?
Start now. Take action consciously to honor the purpose of the water element in life.